Workplace injuries spike during summer months

From late June to September workplace injuries increase across Nova Scotia, according to the Workers' Compensation Board (WCB).
June to September 2014 had an average of 533 time lost claims per month, compared to an average of 477 time lost claims for the other eight months of the year.

Most time-loss claim injuries are musculoskeletal, or injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments or joints. The majority of those impact the back, including spine or legs, and are caused by overexertion.

The industries with the most registered claims are health and social services and manufacturing.

Of the 3,430 young worker injuries last year, 43 per cent occurred from June to September. Most young worker injuries happened in the accommodation, food and beverage and retail industries.
“We want workers to stay healthy and safe and make sure injuries are prevented,” said Shelley Rowan, vice-president of prevention and service delivery. “If you’re an employer, open up a conversation about workplace safety, ensure your employees’ safety training is completed, and they are wearing their safety gear.”
To promote safety during the summer, the WCB launched a campaign to remind everyone that safe workplaces have broad impacts.
Signs that said “This moment brought to you by workplace safety” were found throughout the community at sports fields, hiking trails and farmers’ markets.

"Whether it’s lazy days by the water, barbecues on the back deck, or making s’mores over the campfire, it’s important to be reminded of the personal reasons we have for creating safe workplaces," said the WCB.